Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question but too busy to ask? Here are some common ones to get you started

Below we’ve answered some FAQs on bookkeeping services for small businesses. Contact us if we can help further.

What are your bookkeeping service rates?

We have hourly bookkeeping fees, retainer packages and fixed hourly rate bundles. As we tailor our bookkeeping services to suit any business, we need to have a chat to discuss which business solutions or package will best suit you. Contact us here.

Why should I outsource my bookkeeping?

Most small and medium business owners do not have the knowledge, time or ability to effectively perform their bookkeeping duties. Outsourcing a bookkeeper will provide you with the time required to focus on your business operations. Click here for our services.

What’s the difference between a bookkeeper and an accountant?

Accountants are the ‘big picture’ specialists. They are qualified to give advice on tax management, and to plan a financial infrastructure for a business.

Bookkeepers record financial transactions, produce reports for accountants and the ATO and help manage your business cash flow with a focus on bank, credit card, debtors and inventory subsidiary reconciliation. As registered BAS Agents, they are qualified to fulfil a business’s BAS obligations.

What accounting software do you use?

We generally find that Xero is the most suitable software for the majority of small business owners at the moment. However we are not a one size fits all company and our bookkeepers are also accredited in all versions of MYOB and Quickbooks (QBO) as well as various other software packages and programs.

I am behind in my BAS and ATO obligations, how do I get up to date?

Do not worry, it is very common, and (with the right help) the problem is easily fixed. Whatever the reason you fell behind, you need to get up to date. As registered BAS agents and qualified bookkeepers we dealing with the ATO on your behalf on matters relating to BAS agent services, PAYG reporting, IAS and more.

Can you help with payroll and superannuation?

Yes, we are qualified to address  your payroll attendances at monthly intervals, annual preparation of PAYG payment summaries and annual ATO reporting as well as lodgement of superannuation payments.

So how do we get started?

Contact us so we can learn a little more about you and your business, as well as telling you about ourselves and our services and letting you know how we might be able to help. Our first meeting is complimentary and obligation free.

Let’s get started! Contact us and find out how we can help.

Premium business support with a personal touch

Bookkeeping, BAS lodgements, cashflow forecasting and accounts payables and receivables are our speciality. We are a qualified and experienced Xero Bronze and Single Touch Payroll specialists

The Paper Agency |Xero Payroll Certified | Bookkeeping
The Paper Agency | Bookkeeping, BAS and Xero Payroll services